It’s been a hard past couple of years for everyone! However, there are activities around Spokane, such as a sound bath with Dream Time Sound Healing, that can help you feel better and all-around more energized. It’s time to take back your ability to relax, get more restful sleep, release unneeded things you’ve been clinging to, heal from traumas and change your life for the better.

Alesha and Seth Blackwolf, orchestrators and owners of Dream Time Sound Healing, utilize a variety of ancient healing instruments to aid in the atmosphere of their sound bath rituals. The couple uses quartz crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, alchemy bowls, magical gongs, bells, wooden flutes, chimes and drums. Together, they create an incredibly rich musical environment. They include yoga within the events to encourage a healing journey for all participants involved. Custom hand-crafted essential oils are also used to deepen the healing process.
Not only are these experiences healing for your soul, but they’re also a delight for all your senses, especially your eyes! Alesha and Seth set up a beautiful altar-like space full of instruments and shamanic treasures. They dress up in cool costume-like clothing, paint their faces and bodies, wear flowers and feathers in their hair, and set up the performance of a lifetime while softly allowing you to sleep into a meditative dream state.

What is a Sound Bath?
Sound baths are a form of meditation that will guide you into a deep state of meditation. Being enveloped in ambient sound helps achieve this deep meditative state. Often, participants will lay down on the floor to completely relax but staying seated works fine as well. In order for you to have the most optimal experience, you’re invited to bring anything you need for comfort — mats, pads, cushions, blankets or even a personal lounge chair.
Sacred Vibrational Space
Dream Time Sound Healing is held in a sacred space where participants get submerged in beneficial vibrations from an assembly of instruments. All tuned to medicinal frequencies, the vibrational techniques and instruments activate and restore the balance within your chakric system. Your energy and auric field resonate at higher frequencies, tuning your body into a space that’s more conducive to healing both mentally and physically.
Sound baths are a combination of spirituality and science. Attending a sound bath is a must if you’re looking for a safe space and like-minded people who want to shift their consciousness and change for the better.

What Are Benefits of Sound Baths?
Sound baths provide such deep relaxation that you may have the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had after participating in one. The meditative state will help you feel more grounded while lessening feelings of anxiety, depression, pain and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Are Sound Baths Healthy?
You bet they are! Sound baths are especially effective at saving your body and mind from the adverse effects of stress. In addition to providing you with deep relaxation, sound baths have been found to be very successful in mitigating anxiety, anger, depression, PTSD, fear, sleep disorders and even physical ailments. Experiencing a sound bath can allow your whole body to rest and reset. Studies show that sound activates all areas of the brain to ease stress and anxiety, reduce pain, and improve immunity to viruses and bacteria, all while lifting your spirits.

Do You Have to Meditate?
Come one, come all! Dream Time Sound Healing is an all-inclusive space for anyone wanting to learn more about meditating and healing modalities in general. This sound bath experience works wonders for both people who have been meditating for years, as well as those that have never experienced or practiced meditation before. Generally, the age range of attendees is 35-55 years old, though the space is in no way limited to that age bracket.
Is it Safe for Children?
While sound baths are perfectly safe for people of all ages, the service is a meditation practice, so they don’t allow children to ensure that people can meditate and keep the space without any disturbances. Because sound baths are a healing modality that works wonders on children, they offer a “family sound bath” every couple of years. Here, they welcome children and parents to explore this unique experience together.
Sound baths have been rising in popularity in recent years, and for a good reason. Attendees are bathed in sound waves to help provide a deeply relaxing and meditative experience. Waves of sound are produced by various instruments like gongs, singing bowls, drums, chimes, tuning forks, rattles, and sometimes even the vibration of the human voice itself.

Are you looking for deep relaxation, better and more restful sleep, releases of unneeded “baggage,” regeneration of cells, philosophical insights, past-life and trauma healings, a feast for your ears and eyes, and an overall life-changing experience? You deserve healing, rest, peace and relaxation. Really, it’s something that’s a must-try in person rather than simply reading about it. This is your sign to try a sound bath with Dream Time Sound Healing.
Current events are listed on the Dream Time Sound Healing Facebook page. To sign up for a session, email, call or text 208.819.5785, or see their website.