Wintertime in Spokane makes it hard for those who have specific seasonal hobbies. Those who love swimming, hiking and biking usually have to take a break and put their gear away for the winter. For some of those in Spokane, that means putting their classic toy in the garage until winter is finally over. The good news for those with a car hobby is that the snow is finally gone, and the roads are clear to play on again, minus the occasional construction work. Car show season is officially upon us, and there’s plenty of shows to go to around Spokane and the surrounding areas.

Cinderella Nights Grand Finale 2021
Stateline Speedway
1349 N Beck Rd.
Post Falls
Stateline Speedway is a car lover’s dream during the summer season, thanks to all the weekly events hosted there from April until September. They have unpredictable stock car racing action, demolition derbies, boat races, classic car shows and more.
This year on August 31, from 5 until 9 p.m., they will host the grand finale of their Cinderella Nights to cap off their summer events. The event will host fabulous classics, customs, and loved rides from members of our community who choose to partake in the event. Oldie’s music will be in full swing thanks to a hired live DJ, and they will have special guest John D’Agostino from Celebrity Kustoms. As always, there are no entrance fees for participants, and there are no admission fees for spectators. However, donations of non-perishable food and/or money are welcomed and will go to Post Falls Senior Center or Local Veterans.

Ron’s Drive Inn Car Show
12502 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley
No summer is complete without a stop at one of Ron’s Drive Inn’s classic car shows. They’ve been serving the community for years with their old-school counter service featuring burgers and shakes, and the car shows they host are just the cherry on top. They’re always free to join, and for those who haven’t had a chance to get in on the fun yet, they can take their classic car to this cool hangout on August 12 at 4:30 p.m. to get in on the action.
Goodguys 19th Great Northwest Nationals
Spokane County Fair & Expo Center
404 N. Havana St.
Spokane Valley
August 13, starting at 8 a.m. until August 15 at 3 p.m., is sure to be a fun time for those who decide to attend the Goodguys 19th Great Northwest Nationals at the Spokane County Fair & Expo Center. Tickets for this weekend’s event of beautiful cars range from $10 to $17 and are well worth the price.

Over 1,500 vehicles will be present, ranging from hot rods, customs, muscle cars, trucks and classics. The event also features an indoor car show, nitro thunderfest vintage dragster exhibition, vendor exhibits, swap meet, cars 4 sale corral, a free kid’s zone, burnout competitions, live entertainment and so much more! For those that stick around on Sunday, there will be an awards ceremony to congratulate the weekend’s top winners and the Builder’s Choice Awards selected by JF Kustoms. Register your vehicle for this weekend of fun online. They will also be hosting a Goodguys Great Northwest Nationals Rod and Custom Car Show on August 20 and 21 for those who can’t make it the weekend before.

Monster Truck Shows
North Idaho State Fair
4056 N Government Way
Coeur d’Alene
For those wanting to take a walk on the wild side to see big trucks and big air, the Monster Truck Shows at the North Idaho State Fair are the way to go. Taking place on August 20 and 21, tickets for this event range from $5 to $25 and will be featuring some famous monster trucks such as Jurassic Attack, Nitro Menace and Jailbird. August 20 is a regular monster truck show that starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:30 p.m., but for those who go on August 21, it will feature a freestyle show in addition to the regular show during the same times as the night before.
Grant Park
1015 S. Arthur St.
The Inland Northwest’s largest All-British car and motorcycle show, Britbull, will be held at Grant Park on August 8 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Admission for spectators is free, but for those wanting to register their cars, there is a $20 registration fee. Over 100 classic vehicles are expected to be on display, with trophies awarded in 19 categories for those participating in the event.

Cops-N-Kids 2021
400 W Riverside Ave.
Besides Spokane’s annual Cops-N-Kids being an event that focuses on allowing police officers to talk and interact with kids, it is also a place to view the best show cars, trucks, motorcycles and even bicycles in town. The car show takes place on August 21 from 8 until 11 p.m., but to register a vehicle, you must be there at 6:30 when registration starts. The awesome thing about this event is that registration is free, as well as admission. Plus, there will be door prizes for all participants provided by Barrett-Jackson Auto Auctions and trophies will be handed out for each car class and prizes for first, second and third place.
One of the best things about living in Spokane and being a car enthusiast is that it is home to the Inland Northwest Car Club Council. It was formed to function as an advisory and information center for members of the car community at large in the Northwest. Those interested in going beyond our city lines this car show season can check out their calendar of events and see where the road takes them.